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Our Ministries

Women's Work

The purpose of the National Department of Women’s Work is

  • to provide leadership and guidance and promote the spiritual, physical, and emotional growth and development of the women and girls in the communities we serve; and
  • to embrace themes and address  issues, concerns, and causes which impact the community of Faith, and especially the women and girls whom we serve.

Our platform — Miracle Maximization — consists of three Modules:

Maximum Spiritual Development through the development and fine tuning of our spiritual awareness

Maximum Self Development through physical and emotional health and well being

Maximum Service Development through becoming service-oriented and effective in our interactions both inside and outside of the church.

To accomplish our goals, the Department supports the local churches’ Sisterhood departments, sponsors exciting events, innovative forums, and inspiring seminars targeted to women and girls, and sponsors a bi-ennial Women’s Conference and Retreat.

The Department of Women’s Work is led by Dr. Karen S. Daughtry.

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Portraits of Praise
