Wisdom for the Week
Guided by God
April 25, 2021
Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 NIV
Have you ever been in a place and not know which way to go? Not necessarily in a physical place, but maybe a spiritual or mental place. Or maybe you’ve simply hit a crossroads in life? If you’ve ever been in between what some may call a rock and a hard place, know that there is nothing wrong with you just because you don’t have the answer.
Oftentimes, when we need direction, we look to the left, we look to the right, we look to ourselves, or our friends, or even one of my favorites…Google. But as good as Google is, one thing I know is that Google won’t guide you like God can. And constant communication with God will leave the door open for daily direction.
Now, you may be saying, but I never hear God’s VOICE. Slow down, be still and ask God how He shows up for YOU. I used to think that when God spoke it was supposed to be loud and commanding in nature. But God speaks in different ways. Some may hear a voice, others may receive confirmation through other people, or see small signs, or opportunities throughout their day.
When we stop and seek God’s voice for the answer, God promises that He will show us the way. God promises that He will be a lamp for your feet and a light to your path and will guide your every step in EVERY situation … if you let Him.
Prayer: My God, I ask right now that you allow me to let go and be guided by you this week. Help me to seek You before making decisions and thank you in advance for helping me to hear Your Voice when I need direction. Order my steps and let what I want, be what You want for me. Amen
Listen: “He Has His Hands On You” by Marvin Sapp
Listen: “Trust in You” by Anthony Brown
About the Author
Kharisma Mitchell currently worships in the Bergen County HOLC and serves as a worship leader and Youth Department Chair. She is a graduate of Howard University and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In 2020 she shifted gears professionally from entertainment marketing and events, received her M.Ed in Professional Counseling, and now works as a High School Counselor.
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